Cum poate fi influentata forta magnetilor

Forta magnetilor prezentati pe site-ul nostru este calculata in conditii optime, ei fiind testati pe o placa de otel cu o cantitate redusa de carbon, grosime 10 mm, pe o suprafata neteda forta actionand perpendicular, la temperatura camerei.

Forta de ridicare poate fi influentata de urmatorii factori:

1) Golurile de aer, distanta dintre magnet si placa (in unele conditii chiar si o mica imperfectiune a placii metalice 0,5 [mm] poate reduce pe jumatate forta magnetului



The pull force given refers to hoisting capacity measured in optimal conditions, by using as a backing plate a sheet made of low-carbon steel, 10 [mm] thick, of smooth surface and with the force acting perpendicularly, in room temperature.

Notice: the pull force given should be treated as only a comparative value. An actual pull force depends on the following factors:

  • air gap (a distance) between holding magnet and an backing plate (in some conditions even a very narrow gap, i.e. 0,5 [mm] can result in decrease in pull force by a half)
  • material, of which a backing plate is made (the higher carbon proportion in steel, the smaller pull force)
  • surface of a backing plate (the smoother the surface, the bigger pull force)
  • direction of acting of detaching force (the biggest pull force is obtained with perpendicular acting of detaching force)
  • thickness of a backing plate (the backing plate cannot be too thin, because in such case part of magnetic flux is not used for closing of a magnetic circuit)
  • working temperature (in temperature of 80°[C] pull force can be lower of up to 20 per cent)

We generally recommend individual checking of the holding magnet in any specific working conditions.

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